Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome to Room 12 Week 1 Term 1 Newsletter

I am looking forward to working with your child and you this year. I believe in supporting and assisting children in a safe and enjoyable learning environment where they can thrive and develop to their full potential, socially and academically.

Contacting me
Please feel free to make contact with me in one of the following ways:
• Catch up with me before school if it is something I can resolve quickly.
• Telephone the school on 351 9788 and leave a short message and contact number. I will endeavour to contact you the same day.
• Approach me and organise a time to meet.
• If your child is going to be absent or late for any reason please let me know through a note or by ringing the school office before 9.30am.

Arriving times: The school is open from 8.30am and children are welcome to enter the classroom from this time. The school day for children starts at 8.55am. It is important to arrive before this time to allow children to prepare for their day and to have a chance to socialise before school.

Preparing for the day
At Fendalton school we promote independence and responsibility for oneself and for others. As parents you can empower your child to be independent and responsible for their own belongings by ensuring before the bell goes in the morning your child:
• Hangs up their bag
• Places reading folder and fruit snack in their tote tray
• Places water bottle in tray above tote trays.
• Places a chair at a desk
• Goes to the toilet and has a drink (if needed).
I know that as parents we find it quicker and easier if we do these jobs, but please empower and encourage your child to do them.

In the first few weeks of school we will be focusing on getting to know each other, establishing routines and our class expectations, which include:
• Being a friendly person
• One person talking at a time
• Putting your hand up when you want to talk
• Making the right choices
• Using positive language towards others
• Stay with the class
• Ask questions, take risks

At the end of the day!
The last ten minutes of the school day we like to recap on the children’s learning and enjoy a game, and at times we are still packing up. I know you like to greet your child and say Hello! I ask that you wait to greet your child at 3pm.
Please make sure that you collect your child from the classroom. For their own safety, the children are instructed to come into the classroom if the person who is to collect them is not there at 3pm. Any child still waiting at 3.10pm will be taken to the office.

Water Bottles
All students need to bring a water bottle to school for use in the classroom. PLEASE only water. Ensure your child takes their water bottle home at least once a week to wash it out for hygiene reasons.

Fruit snacks
Young children need nutritious food to aid their development and learning. To cater for this need we have a ‘Brain food’ snack in the morning period. This snack should be a portion of fresh fruit or vegetables preferably with minimal wrapping and separate to their lunch. Your child should put the snack in their tote tray before school starts.

We are asking that you do not include nuts as snacks in lunches as we have some children in the junior school allergic to nuts.

Please ensure your child brings their togs Monday to Thursday, as we will endeavour to go swimming when the weather permits each day.
Our swimming times are:
Monday and Thursday, 2- 2:30pm
Tuesday and Wednesday, 1:30-2pm

Reading books will come home in week 2 or 3. All students will have reading daily, they may bring home a school reader, poem or library book. It is important that they read every night at home to someone in a relaxed manner. Choose a time when you and your child are feeling relaxed and refreshed. After reading remember to praise all attempts and record the details in the home reading log. The children are very proud of their achievements and sharing the reading log at school affirms this to them. Initially you may have to support your child a lot but as they become more confident they will become more independent. Please consult the reading log book in your child’s reading folder for helpful hints to support your child or see me if you are unsure!

Children need to bring their reading folder to school every day to ensure that reading books, notices and homework are safely stored in school bags.
Please check your child’s reading folder for notices on a regular basis.

Home learning
I use this term to replace the idea of homework. Activities done at home to support your child’s learning are helpful to their success. At this stage I would encourage a game shared with family members using dice which will reinforce not only numeracy learning but also develop socialising, oral language and problem solving skills. This is best achieved in a supportive fun atmosphere.
Other activities will be added as children’s needs require.

Help in the classroom
You are welcome to join our classroom. You as parents are a very valuable resource with a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience that can supplement the classes learning. I am happy to have your support in the classroom in any way possible. I will put on my notice board requests for parent help, as the needs of the class require. If you have some time to spare please check the notice board or ask me if there are any jobs that need doing.

I look forward to sharing wonderful learning experiences with your child!

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